Home Debate Club: Should having the internet be a human right?
“Everyone should at least have access to the internet. ”
Last week’s Home Debate Club took a shift away from the pandemic and instead asked students across the UK whether or not they think accessing the internet should be considered a human right.
As the world gets technologically more advanced, and the internet begins to become more essential to modern life - it’s been debated around the world about what protections should be put in place regarding access. While the internet isn’t considered a human right currently, this may change in the next few years - especially as the pandemic has exposed just how important access to the internet is.
Over 7,000 young people took part in this debate - and with 66 schools represented it was a resounding: Yes.
National result:
Seventy-eight percent of participants debated then decided that having the internet should be considered a human right.
Across the different regions of the UK those who debated for yes showed up very strong!
Regional results:
Did the results in your region surprise you? Tweet @HomeDebateClub and let us know why!
There was plenty of great reasoning to go around in this debate. We’ve pulled our two favourite reasons for each side to share!
Yes ✅
“Because so many important things are online today, like education, so not having internet would put you at a disadvantage.”
“Yes, to provide equal opportunities for everyone. It is getting more and more difficult to access things such as jobs, healthcare, accommodation and other things without the internet. to make sure everyone has an equal chance in life everyone should have access to the internet.”
No ❌
“It would cost the government a lot of money to give the internet to everyone. The money would be better spent on things like coronavirus vaccines.”
“There are bigger issues in the world that need to be tackled first as there more important for survival. poverty, homeless people. and internet is a privilege that should not be taken for granted.”
Don’t forget to get in on our next debate!
Home Debate Club will continue to be holding nationwide debates throughout lockdown and beyond! Get in on our latest debate here 👇
Got a suggestion for a Home Debate Club Question? Send it to membership@smartschoolcouncils.org.uk