Alastair Campbell visits a Smart School Council in Barking!
The Communication Team at Richard Alibon Primary School with Alastair Campbell
A big day for us at Smart School Councils with Alastair Campbell visiting one of our amazing member schools, Richard Alibon Primary in Barking.
Alastair is an influential role in politics and is a passionate advocate for mental health and education. His visit marked a significant day, not just for the students but for the entire school community, and us as a charity too!
Alastair saw three different class meetings where pupils were discussing how they could make lunchtimes better. Showing how everyone’s voice at the school is involved, not just a small group.
When a Year 1 pupil wasn’t quite sure of the question being asked, Alastair - a passionate anti-Brexit campaigner - couldn’t resist saying ‘I wish the referendum voters had understood the question better’.
Alastair signing a member of the Communication Team’s post it note!
The options were varied: a chill-out area with beanbags, a quiet space for reading, a music space, or updated outdoor playground equipment.
This wasn't just about making a decision; it was about learning the process of democratic engagement, with students leading the discussions and teachers taking a step back to observe.
Alastair with Lorrie, the lead Smart School Coucil teacher
The main part of our visit was the time spent with the Communication Team. An amazing group of fourteen students who are in charge of running the Smart School Council, setting the questions and analysing the results. You could see their real passion to learn and make a difference in the school community.
They quizzed Alastair for over an hour on his life, his jobs and his love of languages. They were so engaged that I think they would have gone on for another hour if they could, and not just to get out of their next lesson!
A big thanks to Alastair, the students and staff at Richard Alibon Primary School. It was a great day, seeing the true power of inclusive, pupil-led democracy and debate.
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