Seven Years 🎈
It’s almost been seven years since I started Smart School Councils.
Honestly, I never really thought I’d set up a charity. A school in Tottenham was really struggling with their school council, so I started volunteering a day a week to help.
Seven years later – and with almost 600 school members now – it feels like a really good moment to pause.
With so much happening in the world, it feels more important than ever to help young people to speak up and be heard. And for every young person to be involved, not just a small group.
So if you’ve not picked your school council this year, or you have that nagging feeling that it’s going to be another year of talking toilets, drop us a line or get started here. We can definitely help.
This term so far, we’ve introduced a bunch of new things: Weekly Debate Videos, Debate Packs, and Question Categories.
We’re trying really hard to make it easy for you or your school council to pick a great mix of action or debate-based questions. I'd love your feedback.
Loads of great impact coming in from schools who are making their school council more inclusive, giving everyone a voice and making things easier to run too.
Pupil voice, debate, and democracy is thriving at schools like: Riverside Primary in Hereford, Admirals and Raleigh Academy, and Kirk Hallam Community Academy.
Huge fan of Year 6 at Flowery Field discussing - wait for it - The Treaty of Versailles in their Class Meetings! Some budding historians over there in Manchester.
Can pupils who can barely reach the screen do democracy as well as adults? Yes! Check out Year 2 @ Roby Park. Includes a great post-meeting boogie too. I wish my meetings had that.
One of my fave school visits last year was to St. Vincent's in Liverpool. In October, they picked their new school council, who I know are going to create a big impact this year.
This month, we're joining the world of podcasts to share your stories, advice and tips on building a Smart School Councils. Will it be terrible or great? No idea!
Finally, is your school serving a disadvantaged community? Seeking schools in IMD1 or IMD2 areas - you can check here. Something very special might be coming your way soon.
So thanks for being here.
And thanks for your work and active belief in young people.
I really do appreciate it.
Founder, Smart School Councils
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